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14 Lesson 11 Health Advice_第2课时



  学生:unifour lesson eleven health advice 第二课时, first of all lets review the words of this lesson please read after me each one twice advice advice,sleepy。

  老师:harmful harmful sneeze sneeze。

  学生:time, time for example for example wonder wonder air air, earphone earphone volume volume harm harm soap soap bad flu, bug flu care,care, good job are you familiar with the words now could you please match the words with their Chinese meanings, lets read the words first advice advice sleepy sleepy harmful harmful sneeze, sneeze time time for example for example wonder wonder now, lets do it one by one advice which one do you choose write?


  学生:how about sleepy which one do you choose?


  学生:next one harmful right。

  学生:有害的 sneeze which one do you choose?打喷嚏 very good time how about this one right?次回时间 for example which one do you choose?

  老师:例如, right wonder yes。想知道,感到惊讶。

  学生:well done you did a very good job okay lets see these words care care earphone,earform, soap harm harm air air butler bad flu volume volume okay now lets do it one by one care which one do you choose?right?


  学生:how about earphone?excellent?耳机 soap it means?肥皂 harm what does this mean right?

  老师:伤害损害 air 空气,空中。

  学生:bug flu right it means 禽流感 volume 音量,体积。 Well done. You did a very good job. In this lesson, we read about 4 questions about health and the advice for each of them. Now let's review the text of this lesson.

  学生:1 I listen to loud music a lot. Can this make me deaf? My mom thinks so. Tim, maybe. How loud is the music? Do you use earphones? It can hurt your ears when you listen to very loud music on earphones. You should make sure the volume is not too high.

  学生:2 my dad smokes. He doesn't think it's harmful. This isn't true, is it, Marie?

  学生:You're right, it isn't true. Smoking is very harmful to your dad. It's also harmful to you when he smokes around you. Maybe your dad says this because he can't stop.

  学生:3 can I get the flu from my food, for example? Can I eat chicken? Well, I get bird flu. Jill.

  学生:No, you can't, because we don't get the flu from any food. We get the flu from other people, when people sneeze. We can get the flu from the air. At the moment, it's very hard for people to get bird flu. Usually only birds get it.

  学生:4 should we wash our hands with soap 20 times a day? My friend does this, Sarah.

  学生:It's good to wash your hands because it helps you stay healthy. When you keep your hands clean, it's harder to get the flu. However, you don't need to wash your hands 20 times a day. That's too much.

  学生:In the text, we just read these sentences. Smoking is very harmful to your dad. It's also harmful to you when he smokes around you. I've noticed that harmful is from the


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