八年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 上册

8 Communication Workshop


  老师:同学们大家好,我是来自首都师范大学附属苹果园中学分校的寒冬老师, im very glad to。 See you today. Today we are going to learn Unit 2 Communication Workshop. Now let's start our. class before we start our lesson lets have a review of this unit。

  老师:In Lesson 4, we Learned about some class projects and their rules. There are several rules for each project. Here. Several means jig. Let's read it together. Several, several. There are several rules for each project. And in this lesson, we also Learned to use model verbs to describe rules. We use model verbs like can't, mustn't have to, or don't have to describe project rules. Then let's read the rules together. You can use wood, paper, and glue, but you mustn't use other things. You must make two musical instruments with plastic bottles. Can you think of more rules in this lesson? Now let's move on to Lesson 5. In Lesson 5, we listened to a conversation among Adam Luali and Rachel. They discussed about a class project here. Discuss. It means paolon. Let's read it together. Discuss. Discuss. Adam, Luoyi and Rachel discuss about the class project. They divided the project into small parts and chose the parts according to their preferences. And we also got to know how to tell our preferences in English. We have sentences like these. Let's read them together. I love drawing. I like making models. I don't mind taking notes. I don't like doing research. I hate building models. I can stand arguing. Okay, so much for lesson 5. Here comes Lesson 6. In Lesson 6, a special team, we read a piece of news about a special team in a terrible earthquake. The special team in the earthquake gave everybody in the team hope for life. Here, everybody it means. Let's read it together. Everybody. Everybody. The special team in the earthquake gave everybody in the team hope for life. They cooperated with each other and everyone had a clear role. Here, cooperate means hezhuo. Let's read it. Together. Cooperate. Cooperate. They cooperated with each other and everyone had a clear role. And we can also see everyone means everybody. Okay, so much for the revision part. Here are the new words we are going to learn today. Let's read them together. Several. Several. Everybody. Everybody. Cooperate. Cooperate. Puzzle. Puzzle. Discuss. Discuss. Band. Band. Okay, so much for the new words. Here, this is Luke. Today we are going to read one of his writings. First, let's look at the title, my teams. So he's writing about his teams. What teams do you think Luke is on? In the picture, he is playing the drums. Maybe he's in a band or he's in a music club. Now let's read his writing and find out what teens he is writing about. Let's read Luke's writing together. My teams, I like teams. I have fun working with my friends and meeting new people. I'm on several teams and I j


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