八年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 上册

7 Lesson 6 A Spesial Team_第2课时


  老师:同学们大家好,我是来自北京市第九中学分校的英语老师李璐璐。很高兴今天和大家继续学习初二英语。 unit two lesson six 第二课时 do you still remember what we learned in last class?

  老师:lets have a review first lets review the words please read with me earthquake, special enough journey shake shake support collect very good, can you remember their meanings now lets play a matching game please match the words with their meanings the first one, what is earthquake?

  老师:yes, it is 地震 what does special mean it means youre right?特殊的,特别的 and enough means youre right it means 足够的。

  老师:do you remember the word journey? yes it means。旅行行程 what about the word shake which meaning does it have yes, it means 摇动,抖动 and do you know what sport means right it means。

  老师:支持 what about the last one collect it means yes, it is a verb and means。收集 okay class you have really good memory next lets have some exercise and see how the words are used in the sentence, please complete the sentences with the correct form of the words you can find this in exercise five on page twenty, three first lets read the words in the box dark earthquake enough journey leader shake support now lets have a try and complete the sentences, one by one sentence one a good team what helps everyone to work together, which word do you want to choose right according to the meaning of the sentence。一个好的团队,什么帮助大家一起合作?

  老师:the word leader is the best choice right sentence two they are not what blankets for everyone, which word do you choose yes, we should write down enough here and the sentence means。


  老师:number three the sun went down as soon it was right, we need the word dark here can you translate the sentence yes, it means。


  老师:sentence four the room started what dishes fell and broke。 It was. And what for the first blank we choose? Yes, the word shake, because the following sentence tells us dishes fell and broke. But can we just write down shake here? no we need to write down two shake here。

  老师:因为空格前的动词 start 后边加不定式。

  老师:what about the second plan。 Yes, it was an earthquake, number five. They worked for six hours. It was a very long what and everyone was tired. Which word do we need? Yes, a very long journey.

  老师:The last one, it was very difficult. But the team members what each other. For this blank. We may need a verb, right? Which verb do you choose? Yes, support. Can we just write down support here? No, you're very clever. The correct form should be.

  老师:sport it 因为前边的动词用了worse,说明是过去时我们要把 support 变成过去式, support it good。

  老师:You've done a great job. Okay. In last class we read a story about a special team. Do you remember who were in the team and what they did? Now let's review the story.

  学生:It was a terrible day for Mister and Missus Lin. The old couple was on holiday at a mountain resort. They


《7 Lesson 6 A Spesial Team_第2课时》.doc
