六年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 上册

26 Unit 5 Height and Weight Lesson 2 Let's Practice


  老师:hello boys and girls welcome to my class im ruby today, we are going to learn unit five, height and weight lesson two lets practice before we start our lesson, please get your book ready open your book turn to page sixty two and sixty three。

  老师:通过本课的学习,你们能够一通过回答问题及连线活动复习故事主要内容。二树立形容词比较级和最高级的用法、结构和变化规则。运用形容词的比较级和最高级比较人或物的特征。跟随录音学唱歌曲,并模仿歌词描述自己的梦。 Are you ready? Let's get started. First, let's chain together. I say the black part, and you say the red part. Okay. I say big. You say small. Big. Big. The elephants, big. I say old. You say young. Old. Oh, the old. nice old i say short you say tall short markets short。

  老师:Great job, boys and girls. Do you remember our friends Ann, Ken and monkey in a story, where did I go? Yes, they went to the town center. And what did I do? Great. They checked their height and weight. What did I check first? You're right. They checked their height first. Then what did I check? Good job. Then they checked their weight. How much did, can we, do you remember? Yes, can wait, 33 kg. And how much did Anway? Yes. And weighed 35 kg. Look at their faces. Something was wrong. Why? Yes, because monkey had his foot on the scale. Naughty monkey. Boys and girls, you know the story so well. Now let's match and say, please finish this part on your book. Have you finished? Let's check. One day, Ann and Ken took monkey to the town center. They checked their height first, then they checked their weight. Can weigh 33 kg and weighed 35 kg. Something was wrong. Do you know why? Excellent boys and girls. Ann and Ken take monkey to the school today. what will they see lets have a look look。 They are having a science class. We can see the mass and the earth. They are both planets. Planets. Ken asks.

  学生:Which planet is bigger?

  老师:Which planet is bigger?

  学生:The earth is bigger.

  老师:Yes, the earth is bigger.

  老师:here bigger 表示更大。对了,它是 big 的比较级,它的最高级是 biggest listen and repeat。

  学生:bigger biggest。

  老师:the earth is bigger than the mass we can also say the mass is smaller than the earth listen and repeat small。


  老师:good job, now what are they learning what are the two rivers? yes the yellow river and the yangxi river they are very long right what will can ask? can you guess? great which river is longer so which one? Yes the yangji river is longer listen and repeat.

  学生:Long longer, longest.

  老师:We can also say, the yellow river is shorter than the yangsy river listen and repeat.


  老师:after class they meet Rachel Jenny and Jim they are brothers and sisters and Ann ox。

  学生:who is the oldest。

  老师:and the mocky says。

  学生:Rachel is the oldest。

  老师:here oldest 表示最老,年纪最大。他是 old 的最高级。 Listen and repeat.

  学生:Old old. Older. Oldest.

  老师:Rachel is the oldest. What about Jim? Yes, Jim is th


《26 Unit 5 Height and Weight Lesson 2 Let's Practice》.doc
