六年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 上册

12 Unit 2 An Accident Lesson 6 Round Up


  老师:Hello boys and girls. Welcome to Miss Wu's fun English class. Today we will learn Lesson 6 of Unit 2, an accident. Are you ready? Let's get started. By the end of the class, you will be able to know about basic table manners, understand the story of Uncle Bookies, story time, write about your day using past tense. You will also assess your learning of this unit with the help of worksheet. For this lesson, please prepare these things, your book, your pen, and your worksheet. Do you remember we Learned past tense of verbs? Let's see. Can you say them out very quickly? Visit.

  学生:Visited, eat, 8.


  学生:Wanted, go. Went. Clean, cleaned, do, did, help.

  老师:Helped. Have head, watch, watched C. So you can say the past tense very well. Can you write them too? Please take out your worksheet and complete the table. Remember to write carefully and pay attention to your handwriting. You can post the video where you write.

  老师:Now you have completed the table. You can look at the screen and check how many words you got right and you can write the number here. I believe you can get the past tense right. Did you do these things last Sunday? Maybe yes, maybe no.

  老师:Look, this is markets list. Pay attention to the check Mark and the cross. For example, market says last Sunday I cleaned the room but I didn't clean the table. Can you help monkey finish the diary? According to the list, try to use past tense correctly and pay attention to your handwriting. You can post the video and write. Okay. Have you finished? Can you read Monkeys Diary to me?

  学生:Monkeys diary. Last Sunday I cleaned the room, but I didn't clean the table. I washed the socks, but I didn't do the homework. I watched a film, but I didn't watch TV.

  老师:Well done. Now check your writing. Are there any mistakes? How many sentences have you got right? Please record here. You helped Mocky with his diary and Ann also wrote about her day. Can you read it?

  学生:I was at home this morning. I cleaned my bedroom at . I went to Uncle Bookies house together with monkey.

  老师:Do you like this diary? Can you write about your own day? Maybe you can have a try. You can post the video and write. Okay. Have you finished? Can you read your diary to me? I really want to hear about your day.

  学生:My diary. I went to the zoo this morning. I saw interesting animals. The giraffes were tall and funny. Then I ate some bread. I was very happy.

  老师:You can use past tense. Well, we often use past tense to tell stories to. Today we will read a story together. It's called good or bad. The story is about this old man. Watch the video and choose what happened to the old man. A, he lost his horse, or b, he saw his horse.

  学生:One day, an old man lost his horse, but he wasn't sad. A few weeks later, his horse cam


《12 Unit 2 An Accident Lesson 6 Round Up》.doc
