四年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 上册

5 Unit 1 Signs Uncle Booky's Storytime


  老师:hello children, welcome to my English class today we are going to learn unit wine, science uncle bookies storytime before class please take out your English books and pencils。

  老师:通过本课的学习,你们能够,一借助图片和文本信息感知并理解故事,在语境中理解master,hamburgers, my goodness 等词汇的意思。二、通过观察图片获取相关信息,在任务驱动下思考问题,解决问题,形成有效的学习策略。三、在语境中灵活运用本单元的句型进行故事续编,初步养成遵守公共场所行为规范的意识。比较中外文化,一同 here we go look。

  老师:Have you ever read this book? Journey to the west is one of China's famous books. Let's get the main characters in this book. Who is he? Yes, this is budget. What about this one? Super ice.

  老师:This is 10 Mark. Today we will enjoy a story about their journey. Please open your books. 10 to page thirteen. Look at the picture. Who are they? Bajie and Denmark. What can you see in the picture? A car wrote beautiful buildings, glasses and trees and so on. Pay attention to the beautiful buildings. Where are they now? Yes, they are in London. What does Bajia do on the journey in London? Please watch the video and find out budgets behavior.

  学生:Don't walk Bajia, look right. Don't touch Bajia. Oh, master, hamburgers. No hamburgers, fine. Don't litter Bajia, don't run Bajia, bring. Oh my goodness.

  老师:Can you find out budget behavior? Let's see. Bajia closes the roads without looking at the car. Bajie touches the antique vase in the museum. Bajie wants to eat hamburgers. Bajia throws a banana peel on the road. Bajie runs on the road. Is he right? No. So how does Chen Monk remind Bajie, please read and underlying go. Okay, let's check together.

  学生:Don't walk Bajia, look right. 10.

  老师:Monk says, don't walk Bajie, look right. Do you remember this dialogue? Listen, look left, look right, look.

  学生:Left again.

  老师:From these two pictures, we know we should look left first while crossing the road in China. But in London, please look right first. So we should obey different traffic rules in different countries. Then they pass through a museum. Bajia touches the antique vase. 10 Monk says, don't touch, Bajia, don't touch. But they walk and walk. What's this? It's a hamburger. Follow me. Hamburger. Hamburger. And they are hamburgers. Bajie wants to eat hamburgers. He says.

  学生:Oh, master, hamburgers.

  老师:Pay attention to this word, master. What does it mean? Bajie is talking to Denmark. So it means Shifu. As we all know, they are monks, so they can't eat hamburgers. Tom Mark says, no hamburgers. Bajia throws a banana peel on the road. Is he right? No, we can't throw banana peels on the road. Chen.

  学生:Mark says, don't litter. Bajia.

  老师:Don't litter. But we should throw it into the trash can. Great, then. But runs on the road. Can we run on the road? No, it's too dangerous. Time. Monk.

  学生:Says, don't run. Bajer.

  老师:Don't run. But oh, no. Bajia slips on a banana peel and falls down.



《5 Unit 1 Signs Uncle Booky's Storytime》.doc
