六年级 · 英语 · 北京版 · 下册



  老师:Hello, boys and girls. Glad to see you again. How are you doing today? Are you feeling happy? I hope so. So welcome to Susie's English World today. So, boys and girls, we've already Learned how to describe objects in different aspects. Today, we will learn something new. Do you love stories? Today, we are going to read a Chinese fable together.


  老师:So do you want to know the name of the Chinese favor? Let's see now first, please look at these 4 pictures. Can you guess the name of the Chinese fable?

  老师:Yes, you are right. We call it Yugong Yishen. Do you know this story? Think so? So do you know the English name of this story? Yes, we call it the foolish old man removed the mountains. So boys and girls, who is the foolish old man? Yes, you're right, he is the foolish old man. So what does removed means here? Yes, you are right. Remove means take something or somebody away from a place. So boys and girls, we are going to read this Chinese fable together. Before we start reading, can you tell me, what do you know about this story? I have two questions for you. Please think about them. Number one, who are the main characters? Yes, you are right. The foolish old man and the wise old man. so can you try to explain the meaning of their names?


  老师:Okay, boys and girls, first, please open your book and turn to page eight. Please read the story quickly and tell me how many paragraphs are there in the story? Yes, you are right. There are six paragraphs. So what is each paragraph about?

  老师:Now, this time, let's listen. Read and number. 同学们,接下来请大家跟着录音,再读一遍故事,并将下面的图片按顺序进行排序。

  老师:Okay, now let's look at the pictures. First, there are 6 pictures. You will listen to the story and please try to number the pictures. Are you clear now? Let's listen.

  学生:Taihang and Wang Wu were two big mountains in the south of Jijo and north of Heyang. They were 700 Lee around and 10000 meters high. An old man lives on the north side of the mountains. He was 90 years old. People called him the foolish old man. The mountain stood in his way to the south. He was very unhappy. So he said to his family, shall we work together to remove the two mountains? Then we can go straight to the south. They agreed to his idea, the foolish old man and his sons began to break rocks and dig earth. They carried the rocks and earth in baskets to the seaside of Bohai. One trip to the sea took them a long time. They left in winter and came back in summer.

  学生:Another old man lived by the river. People called him the wise old man. He laughed at the foolish old man and said to him how unwise you are. You are old and weak. You cannot


