六年级 · 英语 · 北京版 · 上册



  老师:Hello, boys and girls. I'm Miss Leo. Welcome to my reading class. Today we will read a book about ships and boats. Before this lesson, you need to get these things ready, a pen and a worksheet. During the lesson, please listen carefully, think deeply and write clearly. By the end of this class, you will be able to describe the change of ships and boats. Now let's enjoy reading. Look. What do you know from the cover page?

  学生:The title is ships and boats. It is written by Ned, Jason and Elizabeth. Ask them. I also find a website.

  老师:Below. You are a good reader. You can also get more information on the website. Look here. The book has multi levels. We learn Level K today. Look at this bottle. Is this a ship or a boat? Why?

  学生:I think it's a ship because it's very big.

  老师:You are right. So ships are big and boats are small. What else do you know about ships and boats? Good. Ships and boats have diff different kinds. What are we going to read today? Let's see the contents together. How many parts are there?

  学生:There are five parts.

  老师:Good. Can you group them? See? First part is about introduction. Then we will learn ships and boats in details. The last part is about conclusion. Now let's read introduction. First.

  学生:Introduction. Ships and boats carry people and goods over water. Before cars, trains or airplanes, boats were the fastest way to move things. Boats continue to get bigger and faster.

  老师:What does introduction talk about?

  学生:It talks about what do ships and boats do and how do.

  老师:They change? Yes, ships and boats carry people and goods over water. Do you know goods? We can check the glossary at the end of the book. It means things that can be bought and sold. The picture also can help you to understand what else.

  学生:They were the fastest way to move things before, and they became bigger and faster. Good.

  老师:Job. The introduction is about the change of ships and the boats. Now let's look at the three parts. We are going to talk about different kinds of ships and boats. I will show you some photos from the 3 parts. Early ships and boats, modern ships and boats, special ships and boats. Can you guess what kinds of ships and boats they are? Please look carefully and match them. Now let's listen.

  学生:Early ships and boats. The first boats were carved from single logs. People used poles to push the boats. Other boats used paddles or oars. Paddles and oars are long pieces of wood with broad flat ends. They push against the water, moving the boat forward. Later, people made boats with wooden frames. They covered the frames with bark or animal skins. Frame boats were larger than log boats. Many people could row at the same time. Some frame boats carried hundreds of rowers. Sails made from strong cloth were also used to


