六年级 · 英语 · 北京版 · 上册



  老师:Hello everybody. Welcome back to my class. I'm Miss Hao. Nice to see you again. Today we'll learn the second lesson of Unit 2. In this lesson, we'll continue to talk about the things that happen to you and also will learn how to comfort others when they are worried about you.

  老师:Before the new lesson, let's have a quick review. Do you remember Mike, what happened to him? Mike is interested in Chinese Kung fu. He stood on his head and hurt his neck. The doctor told him that was very dangerous. Mike was lucky because he didn't break his neck, but he had to take an X ray first. We should be careful when we do exercises. If you hurt yourself, how to tell others what happened to you.

  老师:Now, let's start our new lesson. Yang Yang is interested in all kinds of sports, but he's not very careful when he does sports. What happened this time? Look at the picture, please. What can you learn from it?

  老师:Yes, is dinner time. Mom is waiting for Yang Yang. Yang comes back. Mom looks upset. Why? Oh, there's something wrong with Yang Yang's leg. What happened to Yang Yang? Let's watch the video. What happened to you, Yang Yang?

  老师:Oh, mom, we had a football match and I hurt my right leg. You hurt yourself again. Don't be upset, mom. It's only a scratch. It will be all right next week and I can play again. I'm really worried about you. Be careful when you play, okay? I'll be very careful. I won't hurt myself again. That sounds good. What happened to Yang Yang? Take out your worksheet, please.

  老师:Look, this is the timeline. What happened? First read phrases and choose them. Now let's read them together. A would be care. b hurt his right leg sea came back home d had a football match e was upset what happened first?yes, you are right Yang had a football match in the afternoon。 So we can write a d at the beginning of the timeline. What happened next? Do it by yourself. okay, lets check the answer Yang had a football match in the afternoon。 And he heard his red leg. Yang came back home. Mom was upset because Yang Yang hurt himself again. Yang said he would be careful next time. Are you right? Good job. Yang hurt his leg. His mom was really worried about him.

  老师:浩迪的杨洋 comfort his mom。 open your。 Books, please read the dialogue and underline the sentences. Okay? What did Yang Yang say to mom? Are you right? Listen, please. Don't be upset, mom. It's only a scratch. It will be alright next week and I can play again. Are you right? Great. Don't be upset, mom. It's only a scratch. It will be all right next week and I can play again. Anything else? Listen, please. Okay? I'll be very careful. I won't hurt myself again, okay? I'll be very careful. I won't hurt myself again. Won't, won't. wont means will not Yang, Yang will not hurt himself again。 Yang Yang didn't w


