五年级 · 英语 · 北京版 · 上册



  老师:hello boys and girls how are you today im miss Zhang from 人大附中朝阳school。

  老师:Today we will learn Lesson 21. First, let's play a game. Look at the words and try to read them quickly. Horse racing, tennis, football. Rugby. Cough. Basketball? American football, baseball. In the UK, people like horse racing, tennis, football, Rugby and golf. What's their favorite game? Yes, it's Rugby. In the USA, what sports are popular? Basketball and American football are popular, and so is baseball. Today we are going to talk about sports in another country. Which country is it? Look at the pictures and try to guess. Is in North America? It is the land of the maple. It has a long winter. Which country is it? Yes, is Canada. So which kind of sports do they like? Let's go on learning and find out. One of our friends comes from Canada. Who is he? Yes, Mike. Today, Mike is doing sports with his friend. They are playing outside. Is cold. There is a lot of snow. What are they doing? Making a snowman maybe? Let's watch.

  学生:I feel so good. Am I doing well? You're doing great. Shall we take a break? I am very tired. Sure. Canadians are sports lovers. What are you good at? We are good at ice sports. We have the best ice hockey teams in the world. I saw some old people skiing today. My grandma goes skiing every winter.

  老师:Okay. What are they doing? They are skin. Look at the people. What are people doing? They are skin. What is Guagua doing? She is skiing. Is she good at skin?

  学生:I feel so good. Am I doing well? You are doing great.

  老师:Google is doing well. She is doing great. We can say Guo Guo is good at skin. Google feels so good, but tired. What will they do?

  学生:Shall we take a break? I am very tired. Sure.

  老师:They take a break. When you are tired, you can sit down and take a break. Let's read again. Take a break. Listen, what are they talking?

  学生:Canadians are sports lovers. What are you good at? We are good at ice sports. We have the best ice hockey teams in the world. I saw some old people skiing today. My grandma was skiing every winter.

  老师:They are talking about sports in Canada. What are Canadians good at? Can you find out? Let's listen again.

  学生:Canadians are sports lovers. What are you good at? We are good at ice sports. We have the best ice hockey teams in the world.

  老师:They are good at esports. What are esports? From the dialogue, we know ice hockey and skiing are ice sports. Now let's watch a video and enjoy some ice sports.

  学生:大队的第二个出场是 2 号梅根阿哥斯塔,射门,球进了,漂亮,干净利索。

  老师:Wow, very exciting right how about this one figure skating, so beautiful Canadians are sports lovers why does Mike think Canadians are good at exports, lets listen again.

  学生:Canadians are sports lovers what are you good at. we are good at ice sports? We have the best ic


