四年级 · 英语 · 北京版 · 下册



  老师:hello boys and girls im miss Chen nice to see you again today were going to learn unit seven what happened to the floor, lesson twenty six are you ready for the class lets begin first lets enjoy a song, from you need。

  老师:起了趴了脚, try not to be, that you do i need same and if someone, say im sorry。去了妈妈家。

  老师:try hard to, that you do i need boys and the girls when the girl broke the window, what did she do she said im sorry first then she fixed it shes a good girl, in this unit, bao Yang and maomao also did something wrong what did they do do you remember lets review, look at Yang, Yang what did Yang Yang do yes Yang Yang broke mamos toy car he dropped it on the floor, Yang Yang wanted to say sorry to maomao is Yang Yang a good boy yes, i think so now lets look at bao bao what did bao bao do bao bao made two mistakes, a day he lost the key to his house and he also left his schoolbag on the playground children now bao puts his key in his schoolbag he takes his back home every day he has good habits now hes a good boy。

  老师:现在宝宝养成了把钥匙放在书包里,每天都带书包回家的好习惯。 what about。 Mama. Mama forgot to walk Lala that day, so Lala wet the floor and the mama broke the vase. Mama said I'm sorry to mom. He cleaned the floor. Mama is a good boy. Boys and girls, you know the story very well. lets match please read these phrases try to match, good lets check yangyang broke maomos toy car。

  老师:Baba lost the key to his house. He also left his school bag on the playground. Mama forgot to walk Lala, and he broke the bus. Wow, boys and girls, you did a good job. Now let's read this passage about Bao Bao. Look at the picture. Baba looks sad. Why does Baba look sad? Please read and answer.

  学生:Bao Bao looked sad. He lost the key to his house. He also left his school bag on the playground. He feels sorry. He often loses things. His mother tells him to be more careful.

  老师:Why does Baba look sad? Can you find the answer? Yes, he lost the key to his house. He also left his school bag on the playground. Now let's read it together. Baba looks sad. He lost the key to his house. He also left his school bag on the playground. He feels sorry. He often loses things. His mother tells him to be more careful. Boys and girls, very good. Let's read this passage about Mama. Why does Mama say sorry to his mother? Please read and answer.

  学生:Mao says sorry to his mother because he forgot to walk LA LA that day. LA LA, weather floor and Mao broke the vase. They are naughty.

  老师:Why does Mama say sorry to his mother? Because he forgot to walk Lala that day. Lala wet the floor and Mama broke the vase. Super Boys and girls, let's read it again. Mama says sorry to his mother because he forgot to walk Lala that day. Lala Wet the floor and Mama. broke the vase they are naughty, lets play a game pl


