二年级 · 英语 · 北京版 · 下册



  老师:good morning boys and girls glad to see you again today we are going to review you need four, where is my shirt?


  老师:are you ready for class。 Let's begin. In the last two classes we talked about putting your things in the right place at home and at school. Now let's review. Let's go back to Yang's home. It's time for breakfast. Yang can't find his shirt. He asks his mom, where is my shirt? I can't find it. His mom tells him, look, it's under the bed. Then Yang can't find his coat. He asks his dad and mom, where is my coat? His dad doesn't know that. His mom tells him is behind the sofa. Yang gets to school.

  老师:Guagua finds a jacket. She asks her friends, Yang Yang and Baba, is this your jacket? Yang Yang, is this your jacket bubble? This jacket is not Yang Yang's. He says, no, it isn't this jacket, it's about us. So Baba says, yes it is.

  老师:On the playground, Yang finds a red scar. He asked Baba, is that your red scarf? Baba says, no, it isn't. Yang wants to make it sure, so he asks Baba, where is your red scarf? Thomas says, it's in my school bag before football class. The PE teacher finds a pair of shorts and asks Yang Yang, are this your shorts? Answers, no, they are not. The PE teacher asks, where are your shorts? Yang knows his drawers in his bag, so he says they are in my bag.

  老师:After football class. The PE teacher far a pair of trousers. He asks Yang Yang, are this your trousers? Yang answers, no, they are not. The p teacher asks, where are your trousers? How does Yang Yang answer? Do you remember? Yaya says, I don't know. I can't find them. Yang Yang is really a careless boy. What do you want to say to him?

  老师:Yes, put your things in the right place at home and at school. In our Sonics time, we read an interesting story. Olivia as animal friends. Do you remember the Animal Friends? They are an ox, a dog, o'clock, a fox. In these words, letter o sounds, we enjoyed a chant about a funny mom. This is a mole. There is a nose on his nose. Bingo. Letter O sounds. 因为这些单词当中都有一个不发音的e,在这种情况下,字母 o 发 o 的音。

  老师:we learned a lot of things in unit four now let me see if you can use them。


  老师:look, George has a new hat he likes it very much one day, it was blown away by the wind, oh its in the big tree per George he cant get it, but George can get his head back if we finish the three tasks test one, test two and test three。


  老师:George gets to the first past, the fairy comes and says if you can finish the first task, then you can cross the river。

  老师:让我们进入第一关。一条河挡住了乔治的去路,怎么办?这时候小仙女出现了,它可以帮助乔治过河,但是乔治必须要完成任务 to finish test one we must complete three activities。

  老师:完成第一关,我们需要做三个活动, look at the read look and a


