二年级 · 英语 · 北京版 · 上册



  老师:good morning boys and girls nice to see you im miss Yan welcome to the English class today, were going to review unit one, unit two and unit three were going to have two revision lessons this is the first one。

  老师:同学们,从今天开始,我们将通过两节课来复习第一第二第三单元。今天是第一节复习课, in unit one, we talked about days of the week would you like to sing a song with me lets go, and Wednesday, Thursday Friday Saturday serving are in a week, Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday, Friday Saturday two day, to sing them loud what a lovely song boys and girls do you remember the days of the week, lets read Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday great how many days are there in a week?

  老师:yes there are seven days, look at the calendar there are three missing days Tuesday Thursday and Saturday can you help llama complete the calendar。

  老师:你能帮助拉拉把这个周例补充完整吗? Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday great in unit one our friends 毛毛宝宝 and 羊羊 do different things on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday do you remember what they do lets reveal look what day is it?

  老师:yes its Tuesday what does mama do on Tuesday mama says its Tuesday i play ping pong today look what day is it?

  老师:yes its Wednesday what does 宝宝 do on Wednesday 宝宝塞 its Wednesday i play chess today, look what day is it yes its Thursday what does Yang do on Thursday Yang Yang says its Thursday, i go swimming today in unit one we learned what you do on school days?

  老师:what do you do on the weekend now lets review unit two have a good weekend。

  老师:同学们,你们的周末时间是怎么度过的?让我们来一起复习第二单元 on weekends where can we go?

  老师:we can go to the park, go to the cinema, go to the bookstore, go to the museum, go to the zoo and what can we do we can draw pictures read books, go to buy books, go to see a film and go to see grandparents。 we reviewed words and sentences of unit one and unit two now, lets practice with two interesting tasks。


  老师:task one lucky wheel when the wheels stop try to ask and answer, can you ask a question? right what do you do on Tuesday?yes, i draw pictures on Tuesday next one, can you ask a question? yes what do you do on Wednesday? right i go dancing on Wednesday try again, can you ask a question? yes what do you do on Sunday? yes i go to the zoo on Sunday,well, done now lets do task two tinas week Tina is going to introduce her week lets watch together。


  学生:tinas week, i go swimming on Sunday i read books on Monday。 I play the piano on Tuesday. I go dancing on Wednesday. I draw pictures on Thursday. I go to see a film on Friday. I have a big dinner on Saturday.

  老师:What does Tina do every day? Do you remember? Tina 每天都做了些什么?你记住了吗?

  老师:please take out your worksheet do the exercise listen and match。



《10 REVISION ONE(1)》.doc
