一年级 · 英语 · 北京版 · 下册



  老师:Hello, everyone. Welcome to English class. Nice to see you again. Today let's review Unit 4. How many stars can you see? Please get your book and pencil ready. Okay, boys and girls, shall we sing a song first? Let's go.

  老师:1,5. Here comes 1,2,3,4,5,6,4,9,6,7,8,8,9 and 10.

  老师:9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,7,8,8,9,10. 9,8,1. Do you like the song? Very good. I like it too. The song is about numbers, and we use the numbers to count in our daily life, right? In the last two classes, we counted with our friends. And today let's review together. In the first class, we Learned to come the things we have and we see. In the second class, we Learned to count the animals on the farm.

  老师:Boys and girls. Do you remember how to calm the things we have? And we see, let's have a look. On the farm. Yang and Lin. Lin pick up apples. Yang asks, how many apples do you have? And lining answers, I have 3 apples in the park. Guo and Kate look at the beautiful stars. Kate asks how many stars can you see Google answers i can see seven star。 Cars. Wonderful. Let's listen and repeat. How many apples do you have?

  学生:let me count one two three i have three apples, how many potatoes do you have?

  老师:i have four potatoes? how many birds can you see?

  学生:i can see one two three four five six birds? how many stars can you see? I can see seven.

  老师:Stars next lets count the animals on the farm on the farm guo sees many animals Google asks, how many cows do you have uncle Tom answers i have eight cows, uncle Tom asks how many dogs can you see. guoguo answers i can see ten dogs good lets listen and repeat, how many cows do you have?

  学生:i have eight cows? how many ducks can you see?

  老师:i can see ten ducks you did a very good job do you remember our new friends?

  老师:good they are letter p q R S and t grade letter p songs peep panda, peep peach letter q songs, QU 括 kill you qua queen kill you qua question let our songs, r 若rabbit, r 若 river letter s songs, s s son s s snake letter t songs, t tiger t 特 tire very good, now look there is a jixo puzzle we must do some tasks and then we can complete it。同学们,让我们努力完成任务,一起拼出这幅美丽的图画。同时这也意味着我们第四单元的学习过关了。

  老师:Now, let's start from task one. There are three parts in Task 1. 1St, let's chant. In this unit, we chant with our newletter friends. Do you remember them? Good. Are you ready to sing with me? Let's go.

  老师:letter p panda this is a panda letter p peach peach this is a peach letter q?

  老师:咳咳咳 q u q。 You. This is a queen who has a question. Good. Let's go on. r 若 rabbit r 若 river a rabbit by the river s sun s Snake a Snake with a sun。提特 tiger 提特 tire a tiger on a tire。

  老师:Everyone did a good job for this part. Next, let's listen and number boys and girls, please open your book 10 to page 38. What can you see here? Let's look at the pic


