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25 Unit5 My Day (Lesson 4)


  老师:hello boys and girls im miss Yang welcome to our class hope you enjoy our class today were going to learn unit five my day, lesson four please get your book ready, are you ready at first lets check our homework have you finished? can you write the missing letters did you color them now lets check together, first lets look at the picture。 what can you see in this picture? yes you are right you can see a quilt you can see a queen you can see a quill? the queen gave the quilt to, a quill, quilt queen quail they all began with data q good job, what can you see in this picture? you can see rain you can see a rabbit you can see a roll bot, ring ring go away rabbit and robot want to play, ring rabbit robot they all began this letter ah,wonderful, look at the picture what can you see in this picture? you can see a snake you can see the sun you can see a star the snake likes the sun and star snake sun star, they all began this letter s super look at the picture what can you see in this picture? you can see a turtle you can see a table? you can see a tiger, the tiger is looking for a turtle, and the turtle is on the table turtle table tiger they all began with letter t great how about the last picture? what can you see in this picture? you can see an umbrella its under a chair, you can see up, an umbrella its under the chair, please hung it up umbrella under up they all began with letter u, are you right, good job boys and girls lets play a game,detective, there are some pictures, they are very similar, but there are some differences can you be a detective to identify them are you ready? lets begin the first one they are all in bed,yes, Bing Bing in this picture is sleeping so this picture is go to bed, and this picture is get up, how about these two pictures wow, there is a cat in the house its waiting for Bing Bing and the Bing Bing is coming into the house, so this picture is go home and this picture is go to school because Bing bin is go out of the house with his schoolbag, Bing bin is eating in o three。 Key pictures, yes.

  老师:In the first page, he is eating fried dough stick. So this picture is breakfast. In the third picture. maybe he is at home and eating with his mom so this picture is eat dinner and this one is eat lunch wonderful,little。 Detective, let's go on. Look at the this picture, there is a tail. And in this photo, there is a cat is waiting for Bing, Bing. So this foot is go home. This picture, Bing is sleeping. So the picture is go to bed.

  老师:This one, Binbin is sitting on the bed. Get up. In this picture, you can see Bimbin's school bag. So it is. go to school wow Bing bin is eating in these two。 Pictures. This one, can you see some bread? Yes. So this picture is eat 1st. And the last picture is eat lunch. Amazing. Now watch Max dai


《25 Unit5 My Day (Lesson 4)》.doc
