选择性必修第三册 ·英语· 人教版

6 M6U2词汇_第1课时


  老师:hello, everyone today,well, learn some new words and expressions in unit two, at the end of the class, you will be able to know how to use some words and expressions, and you can also use words and expressions in different contacts properly, now lets look at the first one, please read a sentence, there are various reasons why people write poetry? various it means different its web form is very。 poetry refers to poems in general or poems as a form of literature its an uncomfortable noun, the combo non is poem。 we can say a poem some poems, number two others try to convey certain emotions,can,we。

  老师:可以理解为传达,表达思想或感情等。 we can say can weigh something to somebody, now lets look at the sentences number one colors like red can vey a sense of energy, and strength, number two please convey my thanks to your wife, Convey 也可以理解为传达、运送,输送。

  老师:can weigh somebody or something from to, for example this train conveys over five hundred passengers every day, number two, a taxi conveyed us to the train station, number three wires can vey electricity from power stations to the user, please translate these sentences into Chinese, a bus conveys passengers from the train station to the hotel。


  老师:number two max knows how to can we a message to his audience,Max。


  老师:emotion its a non emotional objective word, it can express different kinds of feelings, for example, sorrow sadness, home sickness, Grief hatred,happiness,love, fondness enthusiasts passion, number three list poems have a flexible line, lungs and repeated phrases which give both a pattern and rhythm to the poem,flexible。


  老师:mothers holding jobs outside the home should have schedules to make it easier to care for their children,right, the answer is sea flexible flexible schedules。


  老师:number four another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the sinking a poem made up of five lines, be made up off。

  老师:由什么构成?其主动形式为 make up 相当于 consist of, for example a car is made up of many different parts, number two, we need one more person to make up a team, number three the committee consists of five members, now lets revise some phrases, make up full。弥补, make sense。有意义。 make yourself。利用, make up ones mind,下定决心,makeout。辨认出理解, make progress,取得进步。 make a promise。许诺, make sure。

  老师:确保, please finish the sentences number one the audience at yesterdays meeting, twelve leaders from some big companies, was made up, off or consisted off, number two,women, sixty fifty six percent of the student numbers in the university, the answer is makeup, number five we would have one if we hadnt taken it easy, take it easy, relax and avoid working too hard, it is used to tell a person not to worry, please finish the sentence number one。今天你


《6 M6U2词汇_第1课时》.doc
