选择性必修第一册 ·英语· 人教版

7 Unit2 Looking into the Future Discover Useful Structures


  老师:Hello, my friends. Welcome to today's class. I'm Oscar. Today we are going to explore Unit 2, looking into the future. In this class, you will learn how to identify and analyze the forms and meanings of the future progressive tense. Also, you are going to use the future progressive tense to describe an ongoing activity. As always, I do believe your English will improve today.

  老师:Now, here's a question as we get started. Have you ever forgotten to lock the door or switch off the TV or computer in your house? Well, don't worry. Our friend Jason has some good news. Jason has a pair of magic glasses through which he can look into the future. And this is what he's looking at through his glasses, a big city where everyone is closely connected by technology. Jason is so amazed at what he's looking at. And he says in the future, we'll use advanced technology every day for automatic control of just about everything in our home. And he may also say in the future, we'll be using advanced technology every day for automatic control of just about everything in our home. Well, have you found any difference between these two sentences? That's right. There's a slight difference in their verb tense.

  学生:在动词的时态,这里两句话有一些细微的区别。句子 a 我们可以看到用的是一般将来时结构, will 加do,而句子 b 用的是将来进行时结构,用的是 will 加 be 加 doing 结构。 will 表示的是将来的动作,而 doing 表示的是持续的进行的动作,放在一起就是将来进行时。英文为。

  老师:future progressive ten。 Okay, let's take a look at a few more examples of future progressive tense in the previous reading test. Example number one, however, in the not too distant future will be living in smart homes that will lock the door for us when we are away, and remember to switch off the TV when we forget. If we change the verb tense into simple future tense, the sentence will be, however, in the not too distant future, we believe in smart homes that will lock the door for us when we are away and remember to switch off the TV when we forget. If that don't look clear to you, let's take a look another example number two. In addition, your smart home will be monitoring your health for you every day. If we change the verb trends into another one, the sentence will be, in addition, your smart home will monitor your health for you every day. So what different impressions do this sentence? this make。


  老师:就是 simple future TENSE。

  学生:以 will 加动词原形为基本结构,表示个人对于未来事件的主观意愿或许诺,语气也较为直接。而将来进行时。

  老师:future progressive TENSE。

  学生:以 will 加 be 加现在分词为基本结构,表示的是事情的发展是一种必然趋势,具有客观性,表达了说话者的期待之情,语气也较为委婉。为了加深大家对于将来进行时的理解,我们看一下下面这一段文字,回答后面的几道小题。

  老师:Let's read the passage and complete the following sentences. Here's the passage. Jack goes to school every weekday. He leaves home at 6:45 and arrives at school at about 7:30. His morning classes begin at 8:00 and continue unti


《7 Unit2 Looking into the Future Discover Useful Structures》.doc
