必修 第三册 ·英语· 人教版

17 M3U5 Listening and speaking


  老师:Hello everyone. Today we'll start learning Unit 5, the value of money. In this class, it will acquire the information of a woman returning lost money through listening, infer the attitude, values, and quality of the character by applying listening strategy, and discussed the good deed of returning lost money.

  老师:First of all, let's think about these two questions. What do people have to buy in order to lead a good life? And what can people not buy with money? In order to lead a good life, people have to buy house, food, car, clothing, book, digital product, etc. However, there are also many things we can't buy with money, like health, family, love, friendship, knowledge, respect and so on. Therefore, we can see that money can buy us material needs, but not spiritual needs. And do you think money is the basis of a happy life? Why or why not? Actually, with a lot of money, one can live a better life materially. And no one can deny the important role money plays in our daily life. However, material things just bring temporary and short term happiness, while spiritual happiness, it's more important than what money can buy. As people often says, money can buy a house, but it cannot buy family. Money can buy food, but it cannot buy appetite. Money can buy a wife, but cannot buy true love.

  老师:Do you agree? Later, we're gonna listen to a news report. There are six key elements we need to pay attention to while reading or listening to a news report. Do you remember what they are? Yes, they are 5W+1 H, 5W. Here, refer to who, what, when, where, and why. Well, H stands for how. What's more, you'd better also pay attention to the course, process and result of the event and the names, jobs, identity, and personality of the characters and the relationship while listening.

  老师:Okay, let's start. Listen to the news and try to match the people with the correct information. Thus, activity 2 on page fifty. Please take out your textbook and get ready for the listening exercise.

  学生:Listen to the news report and match the people with the correct information.

  学生:Recently, a cleaner by the name of Chen Li Ya has made the headlines for her generous and honest act. The 45 year old Chen was sweeping the floor at Taiyuan Railway Station early last Tuesday morning when she found a small plastic bag near a chair and discovered 100000 yuan inside. Chen was shocked, but she was determined to return the money to its owner. When interviewed by the local paper yesterday, Chen said I would have felt bad if I had kept the money. After all, the owner might have needed it badly. While working, Chen watched carefully for anyone who might have been the owner. She waited for over two hours, but having no luck, she went to the nearest police station to turn the money in. There


《17 M3U5 Listening and speaking》.doc
