必修 第三册 ·英语· 人教版

14 Unit 4 Reading and Thinking_第2课时


  老师:Okay, guys, this is the second period of reading and thinking. Let's continue our learning about the article, space, the final frontier. So please take our textbook and turn to page forty. In this class, you will reflect on the title of the passage, space, the Final Frontier, summarize the features of a Popular Science article and practice new vocabulary in context while learning more about space travel. We have finished reading the passage in last period.

  老师:Now let's take a look at the title, space, the final frontier. Actually, this title is a part of the monologue of Captain James Kirk, a character in an American TV series, Star Trek, Xinjiang, space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise is continuing mission to explore strange new words, to seek out new life and civilizations to bully, go where no man has gone before. So according to what you have got from the passage and your understanding of the frontiers in our life, what are the title space, the Final Frontier mean to you?

  老师:The word final implies that there were other human frontiers before space. What do you think these frontiers might have been? Examples of human frontiers can include physical frontiers such as the discovery of America, the Arctic and the deep sea and scientific frontiers such as advances in medicine and technology. Further, do we have much more year to discover here on earth or a space, the only place real discovery can still be made.

  老师:While organizing your words, you can think from two angles. The first one, what is the author's attitude towards space exploration? How do you know? The second one, do you agree that space is the final frontier for humans to explore? Now, take 20 seconds to think about that. Have you got that? So for this question, you can say, well, I support space exploration. I don't think space is the final frontier just yet. There is still much to learn about the earth, and we are only at the very beginning of new technological breakthroughs involving information technology and AI. There are many scientific and technological frontiers all around us.

  老师:This article is a Popular Science article, coupon John. It is different from scientific article, because popular science articles are often written for the public, not for the researchers in particular. Fuse now try to summarize the features of Popular Science articles based on this article.

  老师:Think about these questions. Did the author use technical terms to explain science? Why? What is the author's purpose of writing this article? You have 30 seconds to think about the two questions. Time is up. Have you got that? Let's share it together. First, it usually has a concise and eye catching title and space. The Final Frontier is definitely a good exampl


《14 Unit 4 Reading and Thinking_第2课时》.doc
