一年级 · 英语 · 人教版 · 上册

1 第1课时 Wow! This is my school!


  老师:Hello everyone. I'm Miss Li from Heping Primary School. Nice to meet you here. Today we are going to learn unit ones.

  老师:two 通过本单元的学习,你可以认识新朋友,了解学校生活。能够说一说自己的学习用具,能够整理好自己的学习用具。本单元的主题为 IM ready for school。我们将通过 5 个课时来学习与学校生活有关的话题。今天我们要学习第一课时, this is my school。在今天的学习中,让我们一起来向新朋友介绍自己,了解学校的生活。

  老师:First, please get your English book ready. Now let's go and meet a new friend, Paul. Hello, Paul. Are you happy to go to school? Yes.

  学生:But I'm a little nervous.

  老师:You'll be okay. Let's go to school and have a look. Wow, what a beautiful school. School, school.

  学生:Who's coming?

  老师:This is Lily. She's not very happy. Is her first day of school.

  老师:two 第一天上学, Lily 和 Paul 都有一点儿紧张,让我们跟随 Lily 去学校看看。

  学生:Morning, kids. Good morning. Today is the first day of school. Lily is nervous.

  学生:Don't worry, Lily, school is fun.

  学生:Here you are. Thank you. Look, it's so nice. Lily is happy.

  老师:Look, Lily is happy now.


  学生:Morning, kids. Good morning. Today is the first day of school. Lily is nervous.

  学生:Don't worry, Lily, school is fun.

  学生:Here you are. Thank you. Look, it's so nice. Lily is happy.

  老师:Her teacher is very nice to her. Teacher. Teacher, I am a teacher. Do you think I am? Very nice? I think I am. She makes friends and they like her. Friends. Friends. Look, the teacher and the friends are all very friendly to Lily. School is so fun. We can draw pictures at school. We can also sing songs at school. Now let's sing a happy song. You can stand up and dance to the music. Every day.

  学生:I go to school, I meet my, my friend. I need my friend. And we all say, how about you?

  老师:What a happy song. Now let's go and meet more friends. Where are they? They are in our English books. Please open your books to this page. Let's look at this picture. This is Miss Wu. She is an English teacher. I am Miss Lee, and I am an English teacher, too. Now let's say hello to Miss Wu.

  学生:Hello, Missy.

  老师:Good job. These kids are our new friends. Look, they are saying hello to us.

  学生:Hello. I'm Bill. Hello. im Lily hello im joy hello im Yao hello im Bing Bing hello im Andy。

  老师:lets say hello to them too hello, very good 除了这些小朋友,小狗 lucky 和天使 Angel 也会时不时的出现,带给你许多。 Xinxiao. Let's say hello to lucky and Angel.

  学生:Hello, lucky. Hello, Andrew. We have so many friends with us, I feel. so great now。争期待跟他们一起学习,一起玩儿。


  老师:Please open your books to this page 2 and three. Look at this picture. Who can you see? Yes, this is Miss Wu. This is Peel and this is Binbin. Where are they? What are they doing? Let's go and have a look.

  学生:Good morning. I, miss Wu. What's your name? Hello, my name is Bill. Good afternoon, Miss Wu. high Belle, bye bill goodbye。

  老师:原来 bill 在校园里几次遇到 miss Wu 在跟他有礼貌的打招呼。



《1 第1课时 Wow! This is my school!》.doc
